Corona Regeln BAG

Most important to us is to ensure the safety of our customers, partners and employees

We hope that you, our customers and partners are healthy and safe in this challenging time of Covid-19. All of us are in the same situation and we would like to let you know what we at SKAN are doing to ensure the safety of our customers, employees and business partners: As you might already know we’ve cancelled or postponed all of our marketing events and reduced our travels to a minimum amount. Wherever it is possible we are still working remotely or in shifts and at all times follow the recommended hygiene measures pictured below. We now also have a form for our customers confirming that we at SKAN strictly follow the current guidelines and instructions of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) regarding the Corona virus situation in Switzerland. Our employees are informed in writing, on a weekly basis about the current measures.

For our customers and partners it is important to know that we at SKAN continue working on all projects and can be reached as usual by phone, email and via Skype. We are doing everything in our power to ensure that everything continues as planned.

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